
Pan seared scallop tacos

I love scallops and their super fishy flavor, however I never actually made them myself because they just sounded fancy and hard to make. One day though, I went to the grocery store while hungry and I finally felt adventurous enough to make them. I’m sure there are many ways to eat scallops but this […]

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Doro Wot (Chicken Stew)

It has been a while since my last blog post… I have come to terms with the fact that blogging often when you have 3 little children isn’t just going to happen. So here I am a year later… I found myself itching to do a post, especially since the “shelter in place” order was […]

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11 Years Cancer Free

11 years ago today, on April 15th, 2008, I received the devastating news that I had ovarian cancer. At first I didn’t realize how big of a deal it was, but once it sunk in, it was awful. The diagnosis and treatment were a nightmare, but my journey ironically started as a different nightmare 4 […]

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Fashion / DIY


I made this kimono back in September (in case you’re wondering why I don’t have a baby bump in the pictures), – I just never got around to making the tutorial. This will be super easy if you know how to use a sewing machine and have sewed in the past, but I must confess […]

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Papaya smoothie

I grew up eating papaya and drinking papaya smoothies when I was in Ethiopia. When I moved here though, I never saw papayas anywhere so I assumed America must not have any. It wasn’t until about a year or two ago that I discovered that papayas were available in America – I just never paid […]

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Infinity Scarf

I made an infinity scarf a couple weeks ago. I don’t have step by step instructions this time because I thought it was really easy to watch a YouTube video. Here is the video I followed to make mine: Here is how it turned out and how I wore it: Baby bump while we’re at […]

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Fashion / DIY

Jamberry nail review

I have been wanting to try Jamberry nail wraps for quite some time. I think it’s because I have been following their page on Instagram and all their posts make me want to try them. So when my friend Rachel, who is a consultant of Jamberry, asked me to try them for a review, I […]

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I said I do… to America!

Almost 10 years after my arrival to the United States, I finally gave up my loyalty to Ethiopia and was sworn in as an American citizen yesterday. For the past 10 years America has served me beyond words. I have received a wonderful high school and college education. I have received the best medical care. I have met […]

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Fashion / DIY

Jean Vest

As I was browsing around the mall I kept noticing cute jean vests, and immediately thought “ouu I want one!” But the price of one was $30 or more. I love fashion and all, but I am also a cheap skate and I would never spend that much money for a jean vest, so I thought […]

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